Meet Our Academic & Managements Team:

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How Our Team Empowers Students to Thrive!

Supportive and Empathic Community

Behind this prestigious institute’s success lies an academic and administrative team that goes above and beyond to transform dreams into realities. Our dedication is not just limited to imparting knowledge; we are aware that every student has their own set of obstacles and concerns. We give cadets a sense of support and community from the moment they enroll. The institute takes an empathic stance, putting equal emphasis on the emotional well-being of our cadets besides their academic performance. The academic team is aware of this and develops a supportive environment. Here students may open up their struggles and find a support system that will listen, give advice, and point them in the right direction towards solutions.

Engaging and Exciting activities: 

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In addition, we believe that learning is most effective when it is enjoyable and interesting. The management and academic teams have introduced exciting and engaging activities into the teaching and learning process in order to encourage a sense of community among our cadets, including individual and group projects, debriefing sessions, group discussions on aviation-related topics, educational games, and aviation quizzes.

Aviator’s Cup: 

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Aviators Cup’23

The Aviator’s Cup is an annual sports event that encompasses a wide range of games, including cricket, football, chess, and many others. CPTI arrenge this event with the intention of fostering physical activity, strength, and extracurricular engagement among our cadets.

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We encourage our cadets to develop a well-rounded personality and to explore their physical potential. We firmly believe that engaging in sports not only promotes physical fitness but also cultivates mental versatility and strategic thinking.

By participating in the Aviator’s Cup, our cadets will develop a sense of fellowship and sportsmanship.

Listen From Our Director